About the course
We believe that a strong foundation is the key to creating long-term success. That is why we have developed a
unique approach to learning where we build students’ knowledge base around German Language first, and
then proceed to learning higher levels, which are as follows:
German Course Levels:
A1 (Beginner):
At this level, learners can use basic expressions to meet concrete needs, such as greeting and introducing themselves and others, asking personal questions, and discussing topics like clothing, food, and weather. They can also interact in simple ways with people like doctors, receptionists, and waiters. Communication is possible as long as the speaker talks slowly and clearly.
A2 (Elementary):
At this level, learners can understand and use basic language related to personal and family information, shopping, local geography, and employment. They can interact in simple routine tasks and describe aspects of their immediate environment and near-future needs. They can communicate about topics such as vacations, clothing, business, movies, leisure activities, and weekend entertainment.
B1 (Intermediate):
At this level, learners can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar topics encountered in everyday life, such as work, school, and entertainment. They can deal with most situations that may arise while traveling in a country where the language is spoken. They can write straightforward, connected texts on familiar or personal topics and describe experiences, dreams, hopes, ambitions, opinions, and plans. They can also participate in negotiations in their field and engage in casual and formal conversations at a slow pace.
B2 (Upper Intermediate):
At this level, learners can comprehend written material on technical topics within their field of specialization, including complex text on concrete and abstract topics. They can interact with native speakers fluently and spontaneously, making regular interactions likely with little to no difficulty for either side. They can create explicit, detailed texts on a wide range of topics and explain the pros and cons of various options. They can also discuss relatively complex scenarios in social, business, and political contexts with no strain.
C1 (Advanced):
At this level, learners can understand a wide range of complex, lengthy clauses and implicit meanings. They can fluently and spontaneously express ideas with little to no research into vocabulary and expressions, using language effectively in social, academic, and professional contexts. They can produce clear, well-structured, detailed texts on complex subjects, showing the use of controlled patterns, connectors, and cohesion devices. They can comprehend different communication styles, including indirect, direct, informal, and formal.
C2 (Proficient):
This is the highest level of the Common European Framework of Reference. At this level, learners have
mastered the target language and can communicate with fluency and sophistication like a highly qualified speaker. They can understand practically everything they hear and read, summarize information from different written and spoken sources, and express themselves freely, fluently, and precisely. They can speak and write about everything, including opinions, reasons, and explanations, in formal and informal settings. This level
enables learners to become near-native speakers, which is helpful for various research topics related to the language’s region.